Pain Management Plan
Give your body the support to secure your day!
8 x 60 Min Sessions:
Develop a consistent plan of care and address daily discomfort with strategies to navigate functional, pain-free, daily movement.
Plan Structure

8 x 60 min bodywork sessions at 10% discount
Initial intake includes free 30min (90min total first session)
Written contract of goals and expectations for duration of treatment
Learn to navigate safe joint mobility, recognize early pain symptoms and intervention strategies to keep your body out of pain and able to do what you love!
Daily Symptom Tracker Booklet (for tracking symptoms and patterns, and self evaluation)
Designed For Persons
Chronic or ongoing pain (low back, neck, sciatic nerve pain, jaw pain etc...)
Headaches or migraines
Insomnia or other sleep disorders
Autoimmune disorders (Fibromyalgia, Schleroderma, Lupus, POTS etc.)
Hypermobility disorders (ie Ehlers Danlos Syndrome)

*Session structures are subject to change depending on client’s needs and progress. Due to the body being organic soft matter and there being many factors to the healing process, each person’s treatment layout will look differently from the above example.
About the Sessions
Often with pain management, a person is experiencing pain or discomfort on a regular basis. At times, the intensity of pain fluctuates to be severe, and sometimes it is low grade but constant. In either case, it is ongoing without a known “cure.” Without proper support, this can be incredibly discouraging and overwhelming, leading to anxiety, depression, insomnia and many other side effects. There is often disruption to your daily activities and function because of the discomfort. Pain is a signal registered in the brain, but the messages of pain come from all over the body. We can learn to observe where these signals are coming from, and often how to intervene to disrupt cycles of pain-spasm/reaction-pain.
With bodywork treatment, our goals are less about “fixing” or “healing” and more about making discoveries and adjustments. No one wants to live with pain, but adjusting expectations can revive hope by shifting the perspective from limitation to opportunity. Your body is unique to every other body, and viewing your body this way, allows us to discover more effective, creative, and flexible solutions to improve your quality of living. One of the ways we do this, is through developing body awareness, and making helpful, practical adjustments in your life.
For clients with more complicated and specific patterns of symptoms that have been grouped to identify autoimmune disorders, neurological disorders, or psycho-somatic conditions, pain management strategies are most effective by building a team of health care professionals who can integrate your treatment from different aspects, providing you with the most support. There is much that is known and much that is unknown about chronic pain conditions, but one thing we do know, is that establishing consistent and competent care, gives you the best chance at living a functional, purposeful life.
Program Terms
8 sessions prepaid in full at time of first appointment
First 3 sessions must be scheduled on weekly basis, remaining sessions can be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly (dependent on progress)
Sessions must be completed within 8-14 weeks of first scheduled appointment date (unused sessions do not roll over)
Sessions are to be used only by you, the client and cannot be shared with family or friends (think about it like a treatment prescription)
Regular cancellation policies apply