Hello Philly!
As you may have heard, I am re-opening my doors for appointments beginning June 29th as the city enters Green Phase of COVID Rehab. I wanted to clearly outline expectations and precautions for moving forward.
**Warning this is a long post, but very important information!
This goes without saying, but I want to reiterate that "Green Phase" does not guarantee safety, it does not mean the virus is gone, it does not mean you are no longer at risk of exposure. It bears noting that receiving massage at this time is considered a bit controversial. My decision to responsibly reopen, and (hopefully) stay open, is largely dependant on several factors:
Mutual Aid/Awareness/Cooperation- help me, help you, help us! I have created a list of expectations and new policies for how I will be conducting sessions for the foreseeable future. It only works to keep each other safe and healthy if EVERYONE respects these parameters. I understand some requirements will be less relaxing than normal (wearing a mask) and unconventional (being asked to wash your hands prior to session) and a bit inconvenient (must fill out another consent form) but this is for everyone’s safety. We’ve all had to shift expectations over the last several months, let’s bring those skills with us as we move forward.
Taking Responsibility of Risk- While this is not a great marketing strategy, I must reiterate that even with all the well intended efforts above, it is still possible to be exposed if you are not completely socially distancing. Your health is your responsibility. If you have unique concerns about your situation, please take care of yourself and stay home! If you have a compromised immune system or live with others who have a compromised immune system (recently had surgery, have diabetes, have an autoimmune disorder, recently had cold or flu like symptoms etc.) please, please refrain from coming in for the time being. If you have questions about your situation or symptoms you can always call or email me for an open and direct discussion.
My Commitment/Responsibilities- I am committed to doing everything within my power to keep you (and me) safe and healthy. The following are measures I am practicing, in order to do so:
Washing hands before/after each client (20 sec rule)
Wear a mask during session (you will also be required to do so)
Social distancing as much as is reasonable (feel free to ask me about this)
Maintaining a sanitized work space
Additional Measures from ReCenter:
Thoroughly wiping massage table and head rest, light switches, door knobs etc., between each session
I use a fluid barrier table cover and head rest cover, which ensures a protective and cleanable surface in addition to...
washing sheets with bleach and hot water
I will not be offering intra oral work (internal jaw massage) for the time being (avoiding contact with the face is recommended by CDC)
Prevent super-spreading- As I only see one person at a time, I can ensure thoroughly cleaning/sanitizing between clients and spacing out appointments so that there is no overlap or interaction between persons. Please do not bring kids or companions to your appointment, they will not be able to wait in the common space during your session.
Limit exposure - I’m limiting appointments to 2 per day, limiting the number of potential indirect exposures to all clients within a given window.
We have installed a UV sterilizing and HEPA particulates air filter in the treatment room-While inconclusive, a few preliminary studies suggest it can be effective in limiting exposure...we figured it couldn’t hurt.
My partner and I have been tested and the results came back negative (yay!). At least for now, I can offer that reassurance. We are so grateful for our health and are committed to ensuring yours.
Staying Informed!-I know for myself, while social distancing, at times it has been easy to forget that the virus is still at large and people are still getting sick. As we transition into Green Phase, this does not guarantee we are over the hump! While many of us do not work in a hospital setting or perhaps have not known anyone personally who has been sick, it is easy to feel a false sense of exemption. Please keep following reliable sources of updated information (CDC, PA Health Department, etc.), as will I.
Lastly, I will NOT be adding a PPE charge at this time. I consider it a gift to my clients. Thank you for investing in your health and trusting in my care. This may change if expenses increase significantly, however most measures that the CDC has recommended, were already set up at my practice so I am not having to make very costly changes. That said, I will have disposable masks on hand for special cases, but I still ask that you bring your own, so as to make them available to those who really need them.
If you plan to book an appointment, please first review my website page, COVID Policies, and fill out the COVID Consent Form (at the bottom of the Policies page). You will find a list of “to do’s” and expectations that will prepare you for sessions. As always, please reach out if you have concerns that are unanswered and i will do my best to help.
Looking forward to working with you again,
In health,